Madison was 15 months on June 30th! She had a well visit to the doctor today, July 2nd, and is doing well. She is 30 inches (50th percentile, finally!), 24 lbs (just over 50th percentile), and seems to be developing right on schedule. Oh, she does speak more words than average at this age, there's a big surprise! She speaks about 15 words, although some are still probably only understood by us. Also, she had 2 lower molars come in a couple of weeks ago, and is currently cutting 2 top molars at the same time, for a total of TEN teeth!!! Woo Hoo! She has been walking since 13.5 months and follows simple and 2-step directions (like, "Please pick up your toy and put it into the box.") She has had 3 'time-outs' at this time as she is learning how to test her boundaries. My favorite thing is that she will give you a kiss or a hug when you ask for one (I just LOVE asking all day long!) She also babbles constantly, especially when she picks up a cell phone, it is the cutest thing!! She continues to sleep through the night (aprox 12 hours), so we consider ourselves lucky!
Madison's words at 15 months: Daddy, Mama, duck, hot, up, down, help, night-night, hi, bye, all done, all gone, cat, car, dog, baby, Elmo, please, and apple. She's starting to say 'thank you' and 'milk'. She also says "ew!" and "uh-oh", but I don't think those counts as actual words.
Madison's sign-language at 15 months: more, eat, all done, thank you, please, milk, bath.
Madison's knowledge of body parts at 15 months: When asked, she can point to your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, tummy, feet, tongue, teeth, hands, and sometimes chin, cheek, and hair.
Update on Baby Boy Jayden: I'll be 36 pregnant tomorrow, so only 4 weeks to go! I have gained 23 pounds so far (much better than the 60 with Madison!) and am feeling overall well. My only complaints are fatigue and heartburn in the evenings (ouch!). I am getting more and more nervous about labor, as my first time was VEEEEERY long. Also, my doctor says that our little boy will be bigger than Madison and that he seems to be almost 7 pounds (as of my 35 week visit), so I'm thinking he'll be closer to 8lbs by delivery. We're praying for another easy vaginal delivery again, so let's hope!
Oh, and Happy 28th Birthday Brother!!!