Friday, July 31, 2009

Comparing Our Two Kiddos

THIS IS FUN! Below are photos of Madison and Jayden during their first few days of life. I think that they sometimes look different and sometimes look so similar! Jayden is the top photo each time.



Jayden @ first doc visit:

Madison @ first doc visit:

Jayden at the hospital with Papa's bib:

Madison at hospital with Papa's bib:

Video of how Madison loves to give "JJ" kisses:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jayden Allen Joseph is born!

We are proud to announce the arrival of Jayden Allen Joseph on July 30, 2009 at 9:05am. He was a healthy 7lbs 10oz and 19 inches long. The same length as Madison and exactly one pound heavier. My labor was very hard (what labor isn't), but the delivery was smooth because he decided to come out in ONE PUSH! It happened SO fast that unfortunately Penny (Oma) didn't get to the hospital on time to witness the birth. We came home on Saturday and are getting used to having two children one day at a time.

Family Portrait:

1 day old

Proud Daddy:

Right after birth:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Visit from Nephew Brandon

Last weekend we got the special opportunity to see our nephew (Madison's cousin) Brandon visiting from Virginia (we have another nephew and 2 nieces in VA too - miss you!). It had been a year since we had seen him last, so it was fun seeing how much he's grown and matured. It happened to be his 12th birthday while he was out, so we took him to John's Incredible Pizza and celebrated with cake. Madison had a fun time watching Brandon and George on the rides and playing gmes, and even tried a few on her own. Pics below:

Our daughter has turned into a pizza lover:

On the frog ride, which she liked for approximately 5 seconds:

Brandon and George about to take off on a crazy spinning ride:

Brandon, Maddie, and George:

Playing a duck hitting game with Daddy (kind of weird to punch ducks):

Hanging with her Oma:

Birthday cake time (my parents came down to celebrate too):

A quick video clip of Madison giggling and having a good time:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jayden's On His Way. . .Soon, I Hope!

I figured that before our son is born, I should chronicle a bit about my last weeks awaiting him. I am 38week 5 days pregnant as I type this, meaning we're down to a 9 day countdown. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced ANY signs of labor (which I was hoping for since I'm ready to be DONE being pregnant in this summer heat!). Although both of my pregnancies have been uneventful (in a good way), I do get the opportunity to complain the last month because HEARTBURN sets in - OUCH!!! I have spent several days sleeping on the couch because it's easier to prop myself upright so that my heartburn doesn't keep me from getting any sleep. I am solely supporting the families of all TUMS workers :). I have, of course, the typcial back pain and trouble getting comfortable on the couch or in bed, but to top that off, this summer heat has brought a new 'delight' to this pregnancy - SWOLLEN FEET!!! My feet are so swollen, especially the left, that complete strangers feel it necessary to show concern (well, not really, but it helps exaggerate the story!). Madison has learned to point and kiss "Mama's Baby" (see pics below), and we've been practicing taking care of a baby doll to help her transition to a real baby being in the house soon. I'm terrified of labor, as my last experience was VERY LONG, but I'm hoping I know how to relieve the pain and labor at home longer this time. Hopefully Jayden will be here before I can post again!
Madison looking at "Mama's Baby":

Big hugs for baby brother!

38 weeks pregnant - I'm pretty sure I can't get any bigger!

The VIDEO is of Jayden moving in my belly the other night. Fast forward it to about 0:30 seconds to actually see anything. I haven't edited it yet. It's really cool looking toward the end.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Cloth Diapered Baby!

So, I've recently become more and more interested in using cloth diapers (CD), did some research, and finally purchased a small handful. I can't believe how easy they are to use these days. The type I like look just like a regular diaper, except they come in cool colors! I'm really enjoying using CDs, and even though it requires me to do a wash every 3 days (we only have 7 diapers at this time), I feel so good using something that does not harm the environment (not to mention the money we're going to save!) We still use a disposable diaper for overnight sleeping (mainly because Maddie sleeps for 12 hours a night, and we don't want a wet diaper to interrupt that!) Here are some pics:

Madison's FIRST cloth diaper:

Naked baby with a yellow CD, so cute:

Showing off her hot pink CD:

See how cute it can look when only wearing a shirt?!:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Playdate with good friends

On Wednesday, July 8th, we had a playdate with some good friends. It was especially special because my friend Jaci was in town from southern California and her son is only 3 weeks older than Madison. It was so neat to watch all the kids (there were 8 kiddos there plus Heather and I are pregnant) play together and observe how Madison does with other young children since she doesn't go to daycare or have a lot of experience around children. Here are some pics:

The hot mamas: Jaci, Heather , Shannon, and Jana (friends since highschool)

The kiddos: Madison (15 mo), Evan, (16 mo), Ryan (4), and Caden (8mo)

Madison hasn't had juice much, but she LOVED juice that day!

The kiddos playing

Bubbles anyone?!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Little Shopper

One of Maddie's favorite things to do lately (besides push a stroller) is to carry and take things in and out of bags. On this particular day, she was so cute dragging around two gift bags, so I just had to share!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

Our 4th of July was spent with family at Lake of the Pines. We have this wonderful shady spot we found last year and it felt so nice considering how HOT it was this year. We enjoyed good food, good company, and a good game of Sharp Shooters. George and I missed out on fireworks for the first time since we had to be home to put Madison to bed, but I guess that is the life of a parent! Enjoy some pics:

Madison, Daddy, and Oma

Madison LOVES balloons right now

Pushing her baby stroller was her FAVORITE thing to do!

The lake brought some refreshment to the heat

I couldn't resist posting this naked bootie shot!!!

Playing with Daddy, so cute!

Chill'n with Mommy (36 weeks pregnant)

Madisons very own bench made my Uncle Jeffy (who came over 4th of July night)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

15 Month Stats

Madison was 15 months on June 30th! She had a well visit to the doctor today, July 2nd, and is doing well. She is 30 inches (50th percentile, finally!), 24 lbs (just over 50th percentile), and seems to be developing right on schedule. Oh, she does speak more words than average at this age, there's a big surprise! She speaks about 15 words, although some are still probably only understood by us. Also, she had 2 lower molars come in a couple of weeks ago, and is currently cutting 2 top molars at the same time, for a total of TEN teeth!!! Woo Hoo! She has been walking since 13.5 months and follows simple and 2-step directions (like, "Please pick up your toy and put it into the box.") She has had 3 'time-outs' at this time as she is learning how to test her boundaries. My favorite thing is that she will give you a kiss or a hug when you ask for one (I just LOVE asking all day long!) She also babbles constantly, especially when she picks up a cell phone, it is the cutest thing!! She continues to sleep through the night (aprox 12 hours), so we consider ourselves lucky!

Madison's words at 15 months: Daddy, Mama, duck, hot, up, down, help, night-night, hi, bye, all done, all gone, cat, car, dog, baby, Elmo, please, and apple. She's starting to say 'thank you' and 'milk'. She also says "ew!" and "uh-oh", but I don't think those counts as actual words.
Madison's sign-language at 15 months: more, eat, all done, thank you, please, milk, bath.
Madison's knowledge of body parts at 15 months: When asked, she can point to your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, tummy, feet, tongue, teeth, hands, and sometimes chin, cheek, and hair.

Update on Baby Boy Jayden: I'll be 36 pregnant tomorrow, so only 4 weeks to go! I have gained 23 pounds so far (much better than the 60 with Madison!) and am feeling overall well. My only complaints are fatigue and heartburn in the evenings (ouch!). I am getting more and more nervous about labor, as my first time was VEEEEERY long. Also, my doctor says that our little boy will be bigger than Madison and that he seems to be almost 7 pounds (as of my 35 week visit), so I'm thinking he'll be closer to 8lbs by delivery. We're praying for another easy vaginal delivery again, so let's hope!

Oh, and Happy 28th Birthday Brother!!!