Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Playdate with good friends

On Wednesday, July 8th, we had a playdate with some good friends. It was especially special because my friend Jaci was in town from southern California and her son is only 3 weeks older than Madison. It was so neat to watch all the kids (there were 8 kiddos there plus Heather and I are pregnant) play together and observe how Madison does with other young children since she doesn't go to daycare or have a lot of experience around children. Here are some pics:

The hot mamas: Jaci, Heather , Shannon, and Jana (friends since highschool)

The kiddos: Madison (15 mo), Evan, (16 mo), Ryan (4), and Caden (8mo)

Madison hasn't had juice much, but she LOVED juice that day!

The kiddos playing

Bubbles anyone?!


  1. Maddie definitely needs a girlfriend...look at all those boys! and there are 2 more to come.

  2. Seriously, I can't WAIT for baby Elle to get here and play with Madison. She needs someone to be girly with!
