Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

     There are so many wonderful things to be thankful for this year.  November 24th marked one year from when I found out that I was, shockingly, pregnant with Jayden.  It was such a scary time for me, but it has turned out to be such a wonderful blessing!!  George and I are SO happy to have him in our lives and complete our happy family.  I'm also so thankful for my beautiful daughter.  Madison is pure entertainment these days, constantly copying words we say, laughing, and dancing around. 
     I am also thankful for extended family.  We spent the holiday at George's parents' house in Roseville, and my parents and grandmother came too.  All of our family holidays are spent together like that.  To us, it's normal but I know that most people don't have this luxery and I'm thankful for it.  Unfortunately, this year my brother and his girlfriends weren't able to make it due to illness and we missed them terribly!  Additionally, I am so thankful for all of my friends.  A sentence I'm sure you've heard many times, but I TRULY mean it.  I just wish I was able to see them more.  Thank goodness for social websites like Facebook because they allow me to keep in touch.
    Especially at this point in our nation's history, I am thankful that George and I both have jobs, and ones we love.  

Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for my amazing husband, George.  Without him, my life would seem empty.  He is everything all of those romantic comedies portray the lead male character to be. . . he truly does complete me.  I love you babe!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Portraits 2009

On Monday, November 23rd, we took family portraits fr the fall and our Christmas pictures.  Our good friend Julio Rodriguez does photography on the side through his own company JR-Imaging  For those of you that have attempted family portraits with little ones, you can appreciate how exhausted we were after only a 1-hr session.  Not to mention the fact that the kids took turns crying and having meltdowns.  In the end, we got some great photos that will add to our memories.