Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jayden's On His Way. . .Soon, I Hope!

I figured that before our son is born, I should chronicle a bit about my last weeks awaiting him. I am 38week 5 days pregnant as I type this, meaning we're down to a 9 day countdown. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced ANY signs of labor (which I was hoping for since I'm ready to be DONE being pregnant in this summer heat!). Although both of my pregnancies have been uneventful (in a good way), I do get the opportunity to complain the last month because HEARTBURN sets in - OUCH!!! I have spent several days sleeping on the couch because it's easier to prop myself upright so that my heartburn doesn't keep me from getting any sleep. I am solely supporting the families of all TUMS workers :). I have, of course, the typcial back pain and trouble getting comfortable on the couch or in bed, but to top that off, this summer heat has brought a new 'delight' to this pregnancy - SWOLLEN FEET!!! My feet are so swollen, especially the left, that complete strangers feel it necessary to show concern (well, not really, but it helps exaggerate the story!). Madison has learned to point and kiss "Mama's Baby" (see pics below), and we've been practicing taking care of a baby doll to help her transition to a real baby being in the house soon. I'm terrified of labor, as my last experience was VERY LONG, but I'm hoping I know how to relieve the pain and labor at home longer this time. Hopefully Jayden will be here before I can post again!
Madison looking at "Mama's Baby":

Big hugs for baby brother!

38 weeks pregnant - I'm pretty sure I can't get any bigger!

The VIDEO is of Jayden moving in my belly the other night. Fast forward it to about 0:30 seconds to actually see anything. I haven't edited it yet. It's really cool looking toward the end.


  1. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! Aren't blogs fun?

  2. hey cousin...its been a loooong time since we've talking. i like reading bout everyting in your blogs. glad you and the fam are doin well. i can't wait till jayden's here such a cute name! love you lots and miss you to pieces!!

  3. Is Jayden doing summer saults in there? Maybe he'll be a gymnest. Hope you are feeling ok. Miss you and love you.
