Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Trip to San Francisco!

On Wednesday, June 17, 2009, Madison and I packed up for a day trip to the Bay to meet three of my BabyCenter online friends and their little ones. Madison did a great job in the car and had a good time being around three 14-month olds (their birthdays are all within 4 days of each other). The highlight, from Madison's point of view, was this warehouse of old Arcade games. Even though she conked out as soon as we left SF, she woke up due to a sneeze 20 minutes later and couldn't get back to sleep for the rest of the 90 minute drive, bummer. I wish that we didn't live 3 hours away from these friends and their babies because they are a really neat group.
My feet were SO gross and dirty when we got home because I was in flip-flops (the only comfy shoes that my prego feet fit in). Ew!!!!

Here are some pics:

Ready to start the drive -7:15am

Maddie's new friends: Olivia, Jacob, and Brennan at Pier 39.

Checking out the Sea Lions

"This is fun Mommy!"

Posing in front of Alcatraz Island

First mechanical horse ride (video at bottom)

My little driver

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" - Who's boat is this anyway??

I took this at the first stop light after leaving the parking garage. Too bad she didn't sleep longer.

Quick video (I was nervous that she may fall off)


  1. It looks like a fun trip. It is so nice for Maddie to play with kids her own age. Very nice pics.

  2. Such great pictures, and the video is so cute! I know, I'm still afraid of them falling off those things. Jonas makes fun of me that I have to stand so close, but they make me nervous! Great pictures, Shannon - thanks for sharing!
