Since Easter was in March last year, and Madison wasn't born yet, this year's Easter is her first (even though she's over a year old). Well . . . after getting her all dolled up and heading to church, she THROWS UP 3 times in the CAR!!!! We had to pull over on the freeway because we were so shocked at the amount of vomit and were scared (okay, I was scared) she may choke on it or something. Needless to say, we didn't make it to the Easter service, and instead, took her to my parents' house (we were almost there), gave her a bath, and washed EVERYTHING that was near her, including the carseat. Poor girl.
Thank goodness for George because I totally broke down on the side of the freeway. Madison has never thrown up, especially like that, so I lost it a bit out of being a little scared and also upset that our Easter plans were going to be ruined. Luckily, we were able to enjoy Easter dinner at George's parents' house where she got to wear her Easter dress and look so cute. I'll post pics later.